As part of a teaching staff exchange program, I’m excited about my upcoming workshop “Mobile Media – HTML5 for Mobile Devices” at the State University of New York – University at Buffalo, NY. From March 18 to March 22, 2013. The workshop will be at UB North Campus (Department of Media Study).
Mobile Media Workshop
HTML5 for Mobile Devices – An introduction to Mobile WebApps
March 18 to 22, 2013,
3 − 7pm,
University at Buffalo, Department of Media Study,
UB North Campus
I will show how to use the latest web technologies to develop on and for mobile devices. Workshop participants will gain an overview of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript APIs. Though the workshop is focused around iOS, it is open for users of other platforms as well.
Schedule (subject to change)
– 1st day: Overview, Intro to HTML(5) & making the first web app with jQuery Mobile
– 2nd day: CSS and Intro to JavaScript and programming in general ( the second app: Time )
– 3rd day: Networking & Communication – Yahoo Pipes, RSS, JSON ( the third app: Feeder )
– 4th day: Touch, Geolocation and JavaScript Libraries like Processing.js, Paper.js or d3.js ( & finding ideas for a small individual app )
– 5th day: How to proceed from here to make native apps or provide installable WebApps
University at Buffalo, State University of New York: Department of Media Study